The Right Mat Matters: Choosing the Perfect Judo Training Surface

The Right Mat Matters: Choosing the Perfect Judo Training Surface


The Right Mat Matters: Choosing the Perfect Judo Training Surface

When it comes to practising Judo, the training surface you use can significantly impact your performance, safety, and overall experience. The right judo mat isn't just a piece of equipment; it's an essential foundation that supports your techniques and enhances your training sessions. In this blog, we'll delve into the key factors to consider when selecting the ideal Judo training surface that meets your needs and aspirations.

Safety and Comfort

Safety should be paramount when selecting a judo mat. Look for mats that offer adequate cushioning to absorb impact during throws and falls, reducing the risk of injuries. Mats with a Tatami textured surface provide better traction, preventing slips and enhancing stability during dynamic movements.

Quality and Durability

Investing in a high-quality judo mat ensures durability and longevity. Mats made from premium materials such as Fuji Mats can withstand the wear and tear of intense training, maintaining their integrity over time. Look for mats with reinforced seams and anti-tear technology for added resilience.

Size and Thickness

Consider the dimensions and thickness of the mat. Standard judo mats are typically around 1 meter by 2 meters and vary in thickness. 40mm has been the standard but there is a greater push from IJF to opt for a better 50mm standard which they may introduce soon. The thicker mats provide better shock absorption, while thinner mats are more portable and easier to move and store.

Grip and Surface Texture

The surface texture of the mat affects grip and stability. Mats with a non-slip surface texture ensure that you have secure footing during techniques and movements, enhancing your control and precision. The surface is commanly refered to as Tatami surface or Tatami Mats. Tatami texture is the surface  choice for the International Judo Federation as well as Judo Australia for competition standards. Its hence wise to train on the same surface as you compete on.

Hygiene and Maintenance

Choose mats that are easy to clean and maintain. Mats with antimicrobial properties prevent the growth of bacteria, ensuring a hygienic training environment. Mats with a smooth surface are also easier to clean and disinfect.

Environmental Considerations

Opt for mats that are environmentally friendly and free from harmful chemicals. Mats made from sustainable materials contribute to a greener training space and demonstrate a commitment to both your training and the environment.

Cost and Budget

While quality is important, consider your budget when selecting a judo mat. Finding a balance between quality and cost is essential to ensure you're making a worthwhile investment in your training. Look for quality over price as cheap mats are often made to fit a price point not a clients needs. There are many people offering cheap mats but they would of comprimised somewhere in the quality to get a reduced price. As the saying goes, 'Good things aren't cheap, and cheap things aren't good. Talk to our friends at Fuji Mats Australia the experts when it comes to Judo Tatami Mats to get a good deal on Judo Mats for your training area.  


The choice of a judo training mat isn't just about aesthetics; it directly impacts your training quality, safety, and performance. By considering factors such as safety, durability, grip, and environmental impact, you can select the perfect judo training surface that supports your growth as a judoka. Remember, the right mat is an investment in your journey to mastering Judo techniques and achieving your goals.


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